- No need for East Anglia GREEN ! National Grid has not demonstrated a need for the project.
- Inadequate consultation. It fails against 3 out of 4 Gunning principles (legal tests).
- Impacts on businesses, the landscape, the environment, heritage, health or home-owners are severe but not presented. Treasury Green Book should hvae been followed.
- Premature consultation. Why is it being held now, with the offshore transmission review that could change anything, imminent ?
- Decision made. A single, preferred option, has been presented to us as a done deal. What about alternatives ?
- Strategic offshore grid. National Grid’s undersea alternative offers consumers a £6bn saving and is better for the environment.
- Errors & omissions. The consultation includes multiple errors, systematic bias and contradictions between the costs of identical routes of up to £1 billion.
- Methodology (‘Least Worst Regret’) does not differentiate between options.
- Project jeopardises timely delivery of Government’s stated ‘Net Zero’ strategy.
- We believe the consultation breaches consumer protection law & Competition and Markets Authority should investigate.
Fill in the survey by 14th June